terça-feira, 26 de junho de 2012

. scars.

'People have scars. In all sorts of unexpected places. Like secret roadmaps of their personal histories. Diagrams of all their old wounds. Most of our wounds heal, leaving nothing behind but a scar. But some of them don't. Some wounds we carry with us everywhere and though the cut's long gone, the pain still lingers

Some people believe that without history, our lives amount to nothing. At some point we all have to choose: do we fall back on what we know, or do we step forward to something new? It's hard not to be haunted by our past. Our history is what shapes us... what guides us. Our history resurfaces time after time after time. So we have to remember sometimes the most important history is the history we're making today.'

segunda-feira, 11 de junho de 2012

. give peace a chance

'Peace isn't a permanent state. It exists in moments. Fleeting. Gone before we knew it was there. We can experience it at any time, in a stranger's act of kindness, a task that requires complete focus or simply the comfort of an old routine. Everyday we all experience these moments of peace. The trick is to know when they're happening so that we can embrace them, live in them. And finally let them go.'

quinta-feira, 7 de junho de 2012


 já está tudo a ficar vazio e a nostalgia começa a apoderar-se mais uma vez!

sexta-feira, 1 de junho de 2012


'Escrevo-te a ti, que andas por ai à minha procura, numa solidão povoada, vazia e acomodada à espera que a vida te ponha no caminho uma mulher como eu. Não sei como te chamas nem por que inicial começa o teu nome, mas sei que existes, que me esperas e desejas e que um dia farás parte da minha vida.'